
New Music Video From Bleachers: "Alma Mater"

goddamnedfrank12/08/2023 7:20:30 pm PST

re: #80 Semper Fi

LGF has come a long, long way since I joined in 2005. It was kinda wild and some lizards in those early years were difficult but it was always informative and interesting and timely and worthwhile. I think Charles has worked hard to make LGF what it is today. Tops.

It’s definitely been a study in positive sociological evolution and the importance of moderation in an online community. Like, honestly, I signed up in 2007 during an open window just for the lulz and the potential to fuck with an environment that I wasn’t down with at all. However I ended up not even bothering to post until 2010 because of all the rank jingoism and islamophobia. Back then I don’t think I’d have given any credence whatsoever to the potential for rapid healing and growth that’s been demonstrated since. Now it feels like there’s some real kind of lesson to be learned regarding the limits of scalability of node sizes in a communication ecosystem and how important it is to have actual accountability in the point of view guiding it.

All this to say, even to this day I definitely still have “issues” with post 9/11 era Charles and why the place was the way it was, but there’s also definitely been some incredibly valuable lessons learned along the way as it got to where it is now.