
Anti-Abortion Activists Sell Extremist Items to Defend Scott Roeder

simoom10/27/2009 11:00:42 am PDT


It does seem like our options are getting fewer. After the last election I don’t really have that much faith in the election process, and the communists in the White House will do everything they can to rig elections.

It’s quite obvious what the majority of people in this country want … and “health care” isn’t one of them. Washington isn’t listening, Washington doesn’t want to listen. They just want us to shut up and keep giving them our money.

Washington fears the left. They will never listen to us until they fear us more.

If you have to over come a veto as well, you will need 72-75 Republican seats.

That’s never going to happen. This thing has to be defeated before it goes in. Failing that, the only remaining option will be secession.

for this little weasel to attach his name to the Public Option is the final nail in his coffin….

Of course, it is the final nail in the coffin of this country if this load of crap passes too….

And if this thing passes, it’s on Mr. Rightisleft.

Millions feel just like me, and I’d sooner die a patriot, than a slave. And even if every one of us is killed… I will have considered it an honor to be dead amongst other like minded heros.

Secession and civil war are alternatives to this, and by god if those are the only options left… so be it, the democrats forced our hand.

Check that… the lefteists have forced our hand.

The Democrats by no means have a monopoly on useless sub-human garbage leftsts.

No he won’t learn. But that’s fine. He can die a slave on his knees. I am willing to die on my feet as a patriot so that his kids, who I think more of than he does, can possibly enjoy freedom from the oppressive nanny state.

The American creed will not die – it cannot – but it seems that it might not be in the US that it will continue. If these bills don’t get killed …

The parasitic blue states will elect the public option and the red states will opt out. The left has now achieved exactly what it set out to do. They will reward their nanny state Marxist/leftist constituents and the parasitic underclass for faithfully voting for Democrats. We should take it one step further and completely redistribute the land mass and other resources so the two different and irreconcilable ideologies can go their separate ways never again to meet. The left can then build their ideal Marxist state and the rest of us can rebuild the greatest democracy and free market system ever known … and the sooner the better.