
Discovery Institute Creationists Thrilled About 'Climategate'

Floral Giraffe11/28/2009 7:01:20 pm PST

re: #88 lostlakehiker

It’s not beneath notice. It must be answered. Like with any blackmail, the best answer is “publish and be damned”. The hacking victims should put all their data and emails on the web and allow their defenders to rebut the errors made by the denialists. When the denialists find petty jealousies and moments of peevish spite, just own up. Yes, scientists can get in a foul mood and write bad words about their detractors.

On the other hand, scientifically, this hackergate puts no holes in AGW theory. Glaciers remain in retreat. CO2 levels still rise. Migrations still flee south later and return north earlier than they used to. All this fits like the OJ glove. Claims of a non-fit to the contrary.

Yes, but what work was done under contract, must be published within the confines of the contract.