
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

lawhawk12/23/2009 12:32:55 pm PST

re: #49 Obdicut

Is it PC? So, Mao is okay, but what about Hitler art? Okay, so would you have a problem with some Warhol wannabe coming out with Hitler silkscreens (calling ‘em SS’s for short - another clever run on the SS that terrorized Europe) in a similar fashion.

Is there even a line to be drawn?

Sometimes there are people who are evil. Putting them into art just isn’t right no matter how you look at it. Hitler was evil. So was Stalin and Mao. I just don’t think it was appropriate. The blood on their hands is the blood of tens of millions each.

I just don’t think it warrants being immortalized as art.