
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

DaddyG1/05/2010 1:14:42 pm PST

re: #91 recusancy

So reading about a kid with two daddy’s is indoctrination by the left?

I’m 28 so I’m not sure what ecology film strips you’re talking about.

Yes- teaching alternative lifestyles is a left of center agenda item. Just as teaching children all families should have a mommy and daddy is a right of center agenda item. I wonder why this is a curricula item at all?! There isn’t enough time in the day to teach reading, writing, math, sciences, arts, physical education and basic government and civics.

The values based curricula should be handled at home outside of some very basic rudimentary ideas.

The ecology film strips I was referring to were a series of very over the top “the world is gonna end” if we don’t stop using paper and turn off the sink when you brush your teeth films I was treated to in the 70s. Just like the over the top don’t smoke or your lungs will turn into black goo scare based classes we got in health. In both cases the facts could have been shared a little better without the hyperbole and in fact studies showed the scare tactics were not effective in teaching because students tended to discount the more radical messages.