
Dozens of US Governors Receive Notes Demanding Resignation in 3 Days

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/02/2010 11:37:00 am PDT

re: #78 pingjockey

Muchos grassy ass! How is LVQ today. Here in eastern WA, we are having a spring snow storm. Was 65 and sunny yesterday. Today, over 1 inch of snow and cold.:) Ain’t spring great!?

I’m fantastic thanks. Perfect spring day here. Procrastinating (a little) from writing a journal paper. Iced coffee in hand, puppy on lap.

I also just got a call from my GF. I can say for certain it is now serious. She is visiting family for a few days and went out shopping. Our conversation went something like:

GF: Hi honey! So what is your neck size again?

Me: ummm I wear an 18 , 34-35 athletic cut, why?

GF: Well I’m at the mall and there is a really nice sale on shirts. I found somethings you would like!

Me: Laughing, you mean you are making a pre-emptive strike against my Hawaiian shirts!

GF: That is exactly what I am doing.

Me: But Darling, in purple, I am stunning! note, she still hasn’t gotten the reference. Also, if you see any with respectable anime on them, that would be cool too!

GF: No dear, I am in a store for people with style. I actually found a purple shirt that I can live with on you as a compromise…. Ohhh look, there in the corner…. Hawaiian shirts, hidden away because no one wants them.

Me: Honey, if no one wanted them, they would not be on sale.

GF: That will not deter my pree-emptive strike!

So gentlemen, there you have it. She has decided to groom me.