
Sherrod Will Sue Breitbart

darthstar7/29/2010 10:17:15 am PDT

re: #98 garhighway

It’s not that simple. The discovery phase of this (if it gets that far) will feature (among other things) BB wanting to depose everyone involved in the firing decision. Those depositions will be both legal and political theater, with BB’s lawyers trying to make all the USDA/WH people look bad. On video. This will definitely impact some future news cycles in ways the White House will not enjoy. Sherrod will get in some licks, too, when she gets to depose BB about his sourcing and methods and the like, but the juicier stuff will be deposing Vilsack, et al.

So my guess is that the WH political staff DOES care, and would rather that this not occur. But that’s just a guess.

It won’t happen until after the elections. So far, Sherrod has only announced her intent too sue. Discovery will come in 2011 at the soonest. The sabre-rattling will continue, of course, because everyone loves controversy.

Vilsack already said the WH wasn’t involved. He can testify, fall on his sword, or not, and the predictable Fox & Friends “What did the White House know, and when did they know it?” narrative will play to the knuckle-draggers who watch that show.