
Overnight Open Thread

Decatur Deb2/09/2011 5:15:30 am PST

re: #75 freetoken


The CNN story on Pawlenty’s visit, Pawlenty says he can win in 2012

Pawlenty evidently has studied at the world renowned Bachmann School of History. Continuing on with the CNN story:

Sounds like he graduated summa cum laude from the Bachmann School of History.

The last news piece on Pawlenty’s latest visit to Iowa: Pawlenty in Iowa: American society must ‘elevate traditional marriage’

Ok, they’ll probably end up naming a professorial chair after Pawlenty at the Bachmann School of History.

Vander Plaats, as I have often written here, heads one of the most rabidly theocratic groups in Iowa.

Pawlenty explicitly endorses The Family Leader’s position, so let’s be clear what is being said here.


The traditional marriage described in the Bible is interesting enough, but I don’t think I could afford the upkeep on the co-wives, concubines, and all.