
Trump Tied for First in GOP Race

Wozza Matter?4/12/2011 10:29:23 am PDT

re: #97 Simply Sarah

Mitt has the big problem of *actually* being a moderate, everything else he may claim notwithstanding. He’s not a ultra-conservative right winger and has never been one. He dad wasn’t one either. He’s trying to run on positions his history and his heart really don’t support.


McCain is the last moderate we’ll see getting through the presidential primaries for a while.

Democrats don’t have the same problem - Obama is a moderate - not a blue dog of a moon bat, but he got through primaries - Hilary the same made it to the final two, Biden and Richardson also fairly moderate within the democratic party.

The Republican list looks like five Kucinichs and Bill Richardson within a primary base of moonbats.

Romney can hope that the wingnut vote fractures and he becomes John Kerry mk2 i suppose.