
Religious Right Pseudo-Historian Barton: The Founding Fathers Wanted Schools to Teach Creationism

RanchTooth6/09/2011 2:56:21 pm PDT

re: #103 Naso Tang

The problem is that has already has been done and rejected, but by allowing that concept into schools it gives the creationists the forum for their version of science and legitimizes the idea that they have an alternative theory, which will not be countered in those places where they are able to get teachers to teach it.

My point is what we’re agreeing on… and what Mr. Barton said as well (whether he realized it or not). We should hold creationism to the scientific method. As we both know, it has been done, and it has failed. Most schoolchildren probably don’t know that. By going through the scientific method and showing why it doesn’t work hardly legitimizes it as a scientific theory.

You don’t think we will ever see a classroom with a creationist teacher and an evolutionist scientist debating in front of the kids, do you?

Absolutely not. A creationist “teacher” has no place in a science classroom. What they practice isn’t science. Nor would this be something I advocate for.