
The Suspected White House Shooter's Right Wing Ideas

tshinkle11/17/2011 11:02:28 pm PST

The weird ability to connect dots on this site always cracks me up. For giggles, let’s just stipulate that Oscar is a right wing nut. The last guy to actually kill a president was a left wing nut. So, anybody who has actually stepped away from their computer and onto a competitive field would want to look at the scoreboard: Right Wing Nut - 2 bullet holes; Left Wing Nut - 1 dead president.

Why stop there? One of the most iconic figures of the Left is Che Guevara. What’s he killed…about 20,000?

Let’s continue up the Left food chain: Kim Il Sung 2,000,000; Paul Pot - 3,000,000;Stalin - 25,000,000; Mao 60,000,000.

At least 2, maybe 3 of those guys are prominently shown at pretty much all OWS gatherings. I wonder how many pictures of Oscar are displayed at the local bible study meeting?

I’m sure someone here will try to make some strange connection from Christians to evil. In the meantime the scoreboard is Left Wing Nuts - 90,020,001 to Right Wing Nuts - 2 bullet holes.