
Shock: Romney Press Secretary Praises Universal Health Care

makeitstop8/08/2012 11:44:35 am PDT

re: #62 Lidane

Money sure as fuck helps, but at the end of the day, discipline is the key to everything. Just look at 2008. The Clinton campaign had the money and the establishment behind them in the Democratic primaries, but Obama had enough discipline to play a 50-state ground game and he ran circles around them.

Romney is seriously disorganized. If it wasn’t this late into the game, I’d fire his entire staff and start over.

At this point I’m beginning to think that Romney had no idea what he was going up against. They thought they could go negative early and that Obama would fold.

Obama’s campaign has answered every charge, countered every negative ad with one of their own, and they’ve got the Romney campaign scrambling not to look like a bunch of idiots.

Obama’s team is proving that they can play hardball with the best of them. How people keep underestimating them is beyond me.