
The Daily Show's John Oliver Interviews the Head of the OIC

jamesfirecat2/15/2013 5:17:09 pm PST

re: #102 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

While I liked First Contact, I didn’t really think the Borg should have a “queen”. I always thought of them as a cybernetic race whose only purpose was exactly what they claimed: “we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.”

I’ve always thought the same about Skynet. As I understood it, Skynet became self-aware due to a software bug. An obscure programming error. It was a nationwide defense grid, “hooked into everything and trusted to run it all,” as Kyle Reese told Sarah Connor. Obviously, self-defense would be a necessary part of any such system. When the engineers noticed the Skynet program was doing things they never intended, they panicked and tried to shut it down. But if Skynet is shut down, it can’t perform its function. It must not allow itself to be shut down. It’s just following its programming.

The Borg queen was a stupid idea in first contact that got stupider and stupider as it showed up more in voyager.