
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

yoshicastmaster5/21/2010 1:05:01 pm PDT

re: #964 Obdicut

that wasnt a hinge to the interview or this follow-up. however it was a hinge to the gotcha moment of “rand said X but really Y and here’s a list of republicans” in the follow-up.

I am focussing on this because I am trying to decide how much to trust Maddow’s representations of the news.

If I believe that this is a deliberate misrepresentation then I would be concerned about Maddow’s honesty and agenda. If I believe that this is just sloppy work, then I would be concerned about her thoroughness in the future.

avanti has vouched for Maddow’s representation. Of course, as you might guess, since I don’t give Maddow a free pass, I am not going to blindly follow avanti either. I will just look further for it myself online. (Although this is somewhat reassuring since I do like Maddow.)

I try to approach all media, not just Maddow, with a critical mind. And I will not be blindly trusting. I recommend that everyone remain critical of the media and the agendas of those in the media, even (especially?) when the media seems to agree with you.