
Overnight Open Thread

Leonidas Hoplite3/10/2009 8:16:01 am PDT

re: #1045 avanti

“Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation. “

Like I said, he’s something of a dolt. His effective rate may have been 17.7% but I’m sure he paid a lot more in taxes than his secretary.