
The GOP doesn't want Americans to know anything about its candidates

A Mom Anon8/22/2013 4:41:15 pm PDT

re: #77 Gus

No legit doctor of any kind would sign off on gender reassignment without some therapy first. I’m sure Manning is wanting to transition asap for a whole host of reasons, I hope before that happens there’s more than a little time spent in therapy and working on whatever personal issues lie there. Otherwise what you end up with is an even more miserable soul.A soul that could become a monster of epic proportions. At some point she (and I’ll use the female pronoun because that’s what you do if someone wants that- regardless how I might feel about the crimes committed by that person) is going to get out of jail, releasing a monster should never be the goal of incarceration- rehabilitation should. That can be done without pampering someone, the usual argument for keeping prisons as horrible as possible and ignoring rape and violence. You can rehab and preserve humanity and not have prison become the proverbial”country club”.

The whole mess is sad, maddening, and such a waste of humanity overall. Manning totally deserves jail time for what he did, but stripping her of any humanity that might be left is a bad idea.

(edit: and see, I mixed pronouns too,lol. We have a long way to go to “get” transgender people- I’m trying, and it is difficult to understand, but I’m willing to learn)