
Video: Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson - Update: Catholic League Defends Inquisition

Amory Blaine3/11/2014 4:02:19 pm PDT

Fuckface weasel Scott Walker isn’t going to call a special session to address his dismal failure to attract jobs to this state with his failed right wing ideology. Oh no.

Gov. Scott Walker says he would call voter ID special session

Gov. Scott Walker says he would call lawmakers into a special session to modify Wisconsin’s voter photo identification requirements if courts don’t uphold the current measure, which has been blocked since shortly after he signed it into law in 2011.

Meanwhile, the state Senate was taking up more than a dozen election-related measures Tuesday, some of which drew criticism from Democrats as an attempt to suppress voting among traditionally Democratic groups. They include one bill that would end weekend voting prior to elections.

Laser focus on jobs indeed.