
Overnight Beauty and Wonder: Koh Yao Noi

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/12/2014 6:09:13 am PDT

re: #97 Justanotherhuman

Brat may be a tenured professor, but as with Ivy Leaguer Ted Cruz, his academic credentials don’t translate into clear thinking. I’m still trying to get a handle on his thought patterns, but so far it seems he really believes Calvinism is the root of All That Is Good in Western Civilization. Add a large helping of Ayn Rand’s positivism and libertarianism, and you’ve got all the makings of a dogmatic thinker.

Of course, that’s just what the TP types adore, even if he’s got lots of book l’arnin’, he says what they want to hear. But moderates who pay attention to the details in what he says will not be so impressed.