
An Amazing Artist From Iceland: Asgeir - NPR Tiny Desk Concert

Targetpractice10/24/2014 6:46:07 am PDT

re: #97 Vicious Piebola

Most Holocaust victims came from countries that were invaded and occupied by the nazis and there were pockets of resistance but they did not do well against a genocidal war machine that was more interested in wholesale slaughter of Jews & Roma than in supporting their own Wehrmacht troops on the Soviet front.

The whole silliness of it all is to believe that Jews should have realized before the Holocaust even really started that the Reich was planning something terrible for them and taken up arms. Yet the reality is that, in retrospect, most of the treatment of Western European Jews before the camps was no different than black folks suffered here under Jim Crow. They were barred from establishments, barred from owning businesses or property, white children were taught about the “dangers” of the black man, and cops routinely beat black suspects or even shot them in the street on nothing more than suspicion. Hell, we still maintain our own ghettos to this day, even if they’re not walled off or guarded by soldiers.

And that’s before we even touch the Japanese-American internment.