
Video: John Oliver Skewers Big Pharma

A Cranky One2/10/2015 12:33:06 pm PST

re: #100 Blind Frog Belly White

No, but there’s usually a laundry list of fairly unappetizing side effects at the end of every ad.

The thing is, ideally we’d all be knowledgeable consumers of pharmaceuticals. That is, when our doctors prescribe something for us, we’d look into it, even look into alternatives. We’d be able to have an intelligent conversation about potential issues. Instead, we depend on our Docs, because most people can’t grasp basic probability, let alone statistical analysis, so they have no idea how to interpret the information.

I always take it as a positive sign when I see my physician checking the PDR. I’ve made it a habit to do so after getting a prescription and have discovered on occasion that I’ve been prescribed something which is contraindicated with my medical history. Let’s face it, remembering every contraindication for every drug is nearly impossible.