
Elizabeth Warren Will Skip Netanyahu's Speech

lostlakehiker3/02/2015 8:11:24 pm PST

re: #92 blueraven

I cant imagine what Hillary was thinking. I will wait for some kind of explanation but , WTF?

This, coupled with the Clinton Foundation foreign donation news is just crazy bad.

The Democrats need a Come to Jesus moment. Who else do we have?

Biden…love him, but don’t think he could win, ditto Warren. We are screwed.

Kirsten Gillebrand? And don’t forget—-over on the other side, the Republican “we” is just as sure that it’s screwed. “We” can’t get a candidate who will win even those African-American and Hispanic votes that in the normal course of events [voting their own personal and economic class interests] would go that way. The nomination process kicks out either a nutcase, or a sane guy who’s had to kiss so many rings that by the time he gets to the general election, he’s burned out, he’s said too much that he can’t walk back, and he’s boxed in by that which he’s said.

Nominate a centrist Democrat other than Hillary or McCain[sorry, Biden], and the election is a walkover for the Democrats.

Nominate Warren, and it’s up in the air. Could go either way. Nominate Hillary, and it’s odds on she wins, and yet—-she has this whiff of tone-deafness. She has, I think, the ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Again, actually, since she was the all but inevitable Democrat nominee 7 or 8 years ago.