
Anti-Choice Groups Work With ALEC to Require "Fetal Death Certificates" for Miscarriages, Prevent Tissue Donations

A Mom Anon7/26/2015 5:53:04 am PDT

I am close to someone who carried a pregnancy to term about 10 yrs ago, only to have the baby die during labor. As you can imagine this was a completely devastating event in her life. So in addition to all of that grief, she would have also had to endure a criminal investigation as well? Oh Hell No. She herself could have died, but no, let’s not talk about that.

This same person also lives in a very underserved area medically. The only women’s clinic, a Planned Parenthood office, was closed down years ago by so called “Christians” who did literally nothing to help the people they said they loved so much that they had to save them from the horror of PP. And because of that, this woman had very little pre-natal care because it’s nearly a 90 minute drive to the nearest OB/GYN or a damned hospital that’s equipped to perform anything beyond the most basic of care. There are also no pediatricians serving that community either. The nearest pediatrician is about an hour away.

This is about overturning Roe V. Wade without actually having to overturn it. Make it so insane that clinics have to close and communities end up like the one I just described. Underserved and left with minimal at best medical care. And I can ASSURE you, that rich people will still have access to abortion, they did before Roe, and that will continue as it always has. The people crafting these laws would avail themselves of these services as soon as a situation arose that effected them directly. Love the Fetus, Hate the Child (and their Mother) should be their fucking motto. If they cared about children they’d make god damned sure that no child in this country went to bed hungry or abused. That they never mention those things speaks volumes about who they are. How they gained so much power is something that has to be confronted and dealt with. Now.