
Breitbart Hack Milo Yiannopoulos: "Feminized Culture" Causes Mass Murder

goddamnedfrank10/05/2015 3:05:24 pm PDT

A few months ago Milo said he was bored of being gay and was going to choose to be straight instead:

Today, thanks to society’s endless mollycoddling and celebration of “alternative” lifestyles, the joy of rebellion is drying up for me. You see, I only plumped for homosexuality to irritate my parents. But now even they are fine with it. A few years ago, my mum said, perhaps cannily, “All I want is for you to be happy.”

That came as devastating news. Because my sexuality was never about maternal acceptance, but rather the mischievous and incorrigible pursuit of social censure and the threat of being cut out of the will. Now my gayness was not only roundly applauded by wider society but even my own parents, what was the point?

It pains me to admit that, in today’s permissive culture, it is easier to be an outrageously gay man than it is to present with the symptoms of so-called toxic masculinity. By pure accident of birth, your skin colour, sexuality and sex can today be used with impunity against you, to dismiss your opinions and even pay you less at work: under the age of 30, women now earn more than men for the same jobs in both Britain and America.

Since gay people have been so endlessly praised, flattered and catered to by the media and politicians, I’ve lost interest in sleeping with men. I want to feel oppressed again! That’s why, from today, I’m going to make a go of being straight. Wish me luck!

Then a couple of weeks ago he apparently forgot all about that and decided to argue that he wasn’t racist because of how much he’s hardwired to want the black penis:

I don’t use Grindr, the gay hook-up app, because if I want to shag a stranger in a pay toilet all I need to do is walk down the road. But I did once, and I stated my preference: no whites. If I returned to the app one day I might even tell the real truth and put “blacks only.” Does that, according to the Daily Beast, make me a racist too? Or is it, as so many progressives these days argue, impossible to be racist toward white people?

The fact is, lots of men have sexual preferences. It’s a pretty basic, primal thing that none of us has much control over. Men are more likely to express their preferences, so when you get a lot men together in a digital meat market these things are going to be stated very plainly.

The guy is just an exploding manure truck, flinging flaming bullshit in every random conceivable direction.