
"Response to the Pope" - a Poem by ​Donald Trump

Targetpractice2/18/2016 4:31:37 pm PST

re: #82 Testy Toad T

No, I don’t think there would be any ticket-splits.

What I do think would happen is that a metric shit-ton of Sanders supporters in purple districts of very red states wouldn’t fucking bother to show up because they know they won’t be able to swing the top-ballot and then further nuke our minority in the House.

Because Sanders hasn’t spent a fucking dime of cash or peep of news cycle to talk about how the whole ballot matters, and that he can’t get a single damned thing done if he has no support in the other elected branch of government.

Someone summarized a portion of an interview Bernie gave some years ago involving politics in Vermont, namely a question that involved his lack of support for other progressive politicians in Vermont. His response was along the lines of “It’s not my job to help them,” then when pressed on the matter, he got angrier and angrier with his dismissals before basically demanding the subject be dropped or the interview would be over. The interviewer, in classic “access” fashion, decided it was better to move on than to keep pressing for an answer and risk losing further access to Bernie.