
The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

Lidane4/01/2016 7:37:13 pm PDT

I got curious about how the Freepers were feeling about Trump’s incoherent answers on abortion so I put on the hazmat suit and hip waders. They are not amused:

It’s settled law is the common excuse for acquiescing to the left on social issues.

Well, I hope it’s not a picket fence he’s trying so hard to straddle.

So, Trump would appoint pro-choice justices? Abortion is murder, but that’s ok?

Trump is a buffoon. He hasn’t thought thru any position in any detail. And he’s not conservative enough to be called a RINO.

It’s my concern he is going too far the other way. I’m a Trump supporter and have defended him, but I am uncomfortable with this statement from him.

Not a difficult question at all, and Trump couldn’t answer it without being asked more questions.

Ardent pro-lifers [most of them] are in the Cruz camp now. I hope those for life who have been tricked by Trump will support Ted Cruz. He’s the only 100% pro-life candidate we have in the contest.

So the left wing Trump has appeared.
He is losing me very quickly as second choice. He should have ran as a democrat.

Trump lost respect from me when he backed down. All women who have procured the murder of the child should in jail, or worse. And every doctor that murders a child in utero or outside of it should be in jail, too.

Just shows what a Sodom and Gomorrah America has become. May God smack it down, hard. It’s well deserved.

OK… he’s splattered himself all over the policy map on abortion.

What else is “negotiable?”

The Republicans will once again lose the election because of the abortion issue, and as a result the country will be destroyed and there will be absolutely no chance of ever stopping or reducing abortions. The battle has been fought the wrong way. Things are going to get much worse.