
Video: Stephen Colbert Calls Out Kim Jong Un for Making Fun of Donald Trump

Blind Frog Belly White9/23/2017 4:46:06 pm PDT

re: #64 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Question for you (and any other runners): If your town had a perfectly good sidewalk, for what reason(s) would you ignore it and run in the road instead? Pretty much everybody I see running through town on my way into work in the mornings runs on the road instead of on the sidewalk. It drives me a little crazy (and is a little dangerous when they come around a parked car!), and I never understood why.

As others have said, sidewalks are often uneven. They have tree roots growing under them, and they have curb cuts that arenā€™t always easily seen. In San Mateo, we have rolled curbs on many streets, and the sidewalk slopes toward it - which means your feet are not landing on a flat surface, but rather a slope. Not ideal.

Another thing is that asphalt is not as hard as concrete. Less shock, less damaging to your joints.

And then thereā€™s all the vegetation that hangs over sidewalks, and the fact that people walk on them, often taking up the entire sidewalk. This, BTW, is why you donā€™t ride a bike on the sidewalk, either.

People who donā€™t run, or ride, often are not aware of these issues and just wonder why runners and cyclists canā€™t just go someplace else. Drivers want cyclists to ride in the gutter pan, which is full of parked cars, leaves, broken glass, etc. Or they want you to take the ā€˜bike pathā€™, which is a misnomer, because itā€™s usually full of dawdling families out for a stroll, novice rollerbladers trying not to land on their asses, and people who run or walk with ear buds and donā€™t hear you shouting

On your left!

On your left!!

On your left!!