
Newly Released Tom Petty Home Recording: "There Goes Angela (Dream Away)"

Sherlock Hound8/28/2020 3:52:51 am PDT

re: #30 The Ghost of a Flea

If I actually think about it deeply, there are actually two bases that the GOP are trying to address right now.

The other are the people that we like to pretend don’t exist, who aren’t a demographic in terms of region or economy* but have accepted the inevitability of cruelty and decided that the best possible outcome is to be a mid-level goon who gets to pick who they put the boots to and rob the apartment of..

These guys sure existed in 1933. They were the informers who’d tell the authorities that der Juden was living in the big apartment next to them. The Jews would be swept out and someone got a nice apartment upgrade. They exist on my FB for certain.