
Gorgeous Sounds From Alex Anderson: "What Dreams May Come" (Harp Guitar)

Belafon12/22/2023 1:46:55 pm PST

It seems that there are as many ways to do this as there are people on the planet, but I’m going to ask anyway.

I have an 8lb brisket that we are going to eat at lunch around 1pm on Christmas day. I would like to have it cooked and rested for then, and be able to get some sleep. And I’m going to cook it in the oven. I bought a dry rub that I think my family will like.

So, what I am trying to narrow down is how can I cook and rest it so I can also sleep. I would actually prefer to stay up late and finish cooking it and then let it rest slowly if possible.

I saw a couple of different resting methods, wrapping it towels and putting it in a cooler, and sticking it in the oven. The towel method seems preferable, but I saw times between 4 and 8 hours on that. Someone with experience would be helpful.