
Overnight Open Thread

eddiespaghetti5/02/2009 1:25:39 am PDT

re: #96 Van Helsing

Of course the tax goes to the investors (see All Gore) who have invested in companies heavily involved in the AGW bullshit. This will be ENRON x 11

If we loose universal health care to all, (and it looks like Nancy is going to use reconciliation to avoid the Senate Filibuster) the country will be dramatically changed. Talk to any military doc, 90% of their time is spent on 5 percent of the malingerers. Hell, look at your own family, we all have them, hypo’s, fatties, smokers, ect. Why should I pay for their life choices? F-them. Part D Medicare added a huge burden on our generation with the boomers (be that as it may). And this was GWB’s fault. Just watch what portion of “discretionary spending” is left after the messiah reshapes our current system.

Again: Punish John Gault and he says F-it, why should I work hard to give a marginal tax rate approaching 50-75% to the malingerers.