
Jon Stewart and the Guatemalan Syphilis Experiment

105 8:04:59 pm PDT

Hey, peeps, how’s everybody doin’?

Whew. I’ve had a day.
Dog on steroids twice a day for allergies.
Cat on thyroid meds twice a day for overactive thyroid.
The Roi had MRI on his shoulder, will schedule surgery soon.
Daughter popped by, needing something, RIGHT NOW MOM! - expecting that I would drop what I was doing and take care of it. Which I did, of course.
Spent some time coordinating HS Reunion stuff. Everybody I know is technologically challenged, and needs step-by-step instructions to navigate paypal, fer cryin’ out loud.
Now re-watching the LSU-TN game. Well, the Roi is, I’m just gonna rewatch the last few seconds.