
Overnight Open Thread

garhighway1/21/2011 6:24:15 am PST

re: #88 RogueOne

OTOH, had they added entitlements into their cuts you and I both know the accusations of “balancing the budget on the backs of the poor” would come raining down.

Either they are serious about this or they aren’t. Being serious means proposing things that are going to be painful and then being willing to stand up for those ideas and suffer that pain.

A while back, Esquire magazine convened two Republicans and two Democrats to look at the problem, and they got it done. But they: 1> were willing to tackle the big issues, and 2> weren’t running for re-election.

They proposed some stuff I didn’t like, but as I said, there’s no honest way to get there that doesn’t kill somebody’s favorite deal.

Their article: