
Suspect Arrested in Attempted MLK Parade Bombing is a Neo-Nazi

Orange Impostor3/09/2011 1:57:23 pm PST

I haven’t been following the debate in Michigan regarding the Emergency Financial Manager Bill that’s being debated in the state Legislature, but now that I’ve seen this -

Oh my fucking god.

Emergency Financial Manager bill on the verge of passage

LANSING — With over 1,000 union members and supporters on the lawn, and hundreds packing the Capitol dome chanting “kill the bill,” the GOP-controlled state Senate pushed the controversial Emergency Financial Manager legislation to the precipice of passage on Tuesday.

The chamber is expected to pass the legislative package Wednesday morning. Following passage, the bill will go to a conference committee of both chambers to hammer out differences in legislation passed in each body. Both bodies will then vote on the conference committee legislation. It will then go to Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, who is expected to sign it.

Unions and others oppose the legislation because it would give broad new powers to emergency financial managers, who are appointed by the state treasurer. Those powers include the ability to nullify collective bargained agreements, imposition of new agreements for those bargaining units which will have effect for as much as five years after the EMF leaves office and the ability for the manager to dissolve local governing bodies of schools and cities. The EMF would also have the power to eliminate any local ordinance or law he or she decides to eliminate.

That’s right. One person, appointed by the Governor will have the power to nullify contracts, dissolve local governments, and overturn any law they don’t like. This is beyond insane.