
Open Mic Night: Obama to GOP: 'You Think We're Stupid?'

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization4/15/2011 12:15:13 pm PDT

re: #7 Walter L. Newton

Eating ones own words…


You honestly think this is “inflammatory speech?” You think swinging back on substantive issues with substance is “inflammatory speech?”

Look dude, if someone takes a swing at you, you are within your rights to swing back…hard.

You might even want to “punch back twice as hard.”

The fact is a large number of conservatives believe the nonsensical birther conspiracies, and/or that he is a “secret Muslim,” and/or that he is destroying the economy on purpose, or that he doesn’t believe in “American exceptionalism,” and a lot of other BS propaganda spewed by the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and Fox “News,” and the GOP/teabagger congressmen who were swept into power in November believe it too, and it shows in the way they’ve bargained with Obama. A guy can only take so much, and if you ask me, it’s about time he swung back, HARD.

Hell, he should go Casey Heynes on those nutjobs!