
Overnight Open Thread

kirkspencer4/24/2011 6:15:42 am PDT

re: #72 researchok


There are far too many lunatics who insist gays are only those who march in the SF parades. They don’t realize that there are gay marines and gay ‘Hang em high’ judges, stock brokers and so on.

I always laugh when I see the Log Cabin Republicans excoriated (on either side of the spectrum). For every member signed up, there are a thousand who have not.

People are much nicer when they are courting large voting blocks.

I would not be surprised to learn gay voters are as likely to be conservative as they are liberal.

Sexual orientation does not upend human nature.

Now there’s a whole other topic…

Probably, but Conservative v Liberal is not Democratic vs Republican. We can actually show that with another community - blacks. Numerous polls show that when party is kept out of the question blacks are as conservative on several issues as whites. Yet when voting time comes blacks go 90% Democratic.

There are two possibilities and I find myself wondering which is closer to accurate. Do the conservatives not vote, or do they vote Democratic as the lesser of two evils?

I’m going to guess that this will affect how well the Republican party or its replacement conservative party does once the southern strategy is no longer in play.