
Seller of 'Re-Nig' Bumper Sticker: The N Word Isn't Racist

Kragar3/19/2012 2:09:56 pm PDT

Does Santorum have a Tony Perkins problem?

Nearly a hundred pastors from all over Louisiana and from as far away as Texas and Colorado accepted Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ invitation to hear a personal pitch Sunday from the former Pennsylvania senator, who met with them in a private briefing before he addressed the more than 1,400 faithful who crowded into the sanctuary at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church.

“What we need to do in this country is to rebuild that culture of life and rebuild that culture of marriage and families,” Santorum said, standing in a small back room as the invited pastors gathered in an informal circle wearing handwritten name tags. “No one else talks about social issues.”

Perkins, the head of the socially conservative Family Research Council, can’t officially endorse a presidential candidate, but he made his personal feelings clear. “I’ll tell you this,” he said, “I wouldn’t invite just anybody to my church.”

Ironically, in 2008 Perkins was criticized for speaking too favorably of Romney and too critically of Mike Huckabee, who was then the preferred candidate of many in the Religious Right.

We have consistently documented Perkins’ extreme record:

said Islam is “evil”;

called gay rights activists “intolerant,” “hateful,” “vile,” “spiteful” and “pawns” of Satan and said that homosexuality is “man shaking his fist in the face of God”;

wrote that the anti-bullying “It Gets Better Project” is “immoral,” “disgusting,” and promotes “perversion”;

denied that there was a correlation between anti-gay bullying and depression and suicide, saying instead that gay and lesbian teens know they are “abnormal” and “have a higher propensity to depression or suicide because of that internal conflict”;

wrote that senators would have “the blood of innocent soldiers on their hands” if they vote to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and allowed gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military;

warned, “I don’t know if the country can survive” another Obama term and that the president’s reelection would “destroy this country”’;

asserted that President Obama has a “disdain for Christianity” and his supporters must “repent”;

claimed “Islamists and the homosexuals work out of the same playbook”;

attacked the Girl Scouts and a Star Wars video game for including gay members and characters, respectively;

said governments are beginning the “promotion same-sex relations” as a means of “population control”;

believes gays and lesbians have “an emptiness within them” because of their “destructive path”

With views like that, it is no wonder that Perkins has become one of Santorum’s (unofficial) cheerleaders.