
Ron Paul!

Kreuzueber Halbmond4/15/2009 8:34:54 pm PDT

re: #949 Parker in US

OK I will be the nut here but I believe that the 16th and 17th amendment to the constitution got us were we are today, 11.1 trillion in debt and a government that pokes into our private life whenever they feel its for our own good. HEAR ME OUT!

First the 16th: This amendment allows the government to tax the citizens of the US without distributions to the states. This allowed the federal government ability to tell the states “Step in Line or WE will Cut Off Your Funding”. Before this the Federal government would have to ask the states for money to study why pigs smell if they went over their budget on all the federal taxes. Am I right So far (had a few jacks so help me here)?

The 17th Ammendment: The 17th amendment allowed states to elect their Senators by popular vote rather that those Senators being appointed by their states legislatures. This probably seemed like a good idea at the time but now I see why our founding fathers built it this way. By the 2 senators from each state being in Washington at the pleasure their respective legislatures it allowed them to recall them at any time it also kept them from being beholden to those that helped them to get elected. This was our stop gap to our Republic and kept us from being a democracy.

That’s my opinion these amendments must go if we want to continue to be the republic that is The United States Of America

Whatever it takes. The reason our country is screwed up, beside the fact that the ordinary citizen has become a dumbass, is because entrenched politicians with too much money to spend have passed law after law and created bureaucracy after bureaucracy to the point of being tyrannical. The normal knee-jerk reaction from the public is for them to pass more laws, which I think is a mistake.