
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

doppelganglander4/20/2009 5:49:03 pm PDT

re: #1039 USBeast

I pimp for no one. I do ask questions. I have a problem with the knee-jerk reaction to brand everyone who wants to preserve Western Civilization a racist. Do you have a politically correct list of those whom I can support?

Despite all the downdinging you’ve received tonight, I think you mean well. The BNP have a long, well-documented history of racism. You may not have been aware of that previously. Charles has posted a number of stories about them, which you could find by searching. It’s hard to keep up with the haters and the crazies, but your posts came across as supportive of them when in fact I think you just didn’t know much about them. I think this is what we call around here fact-checking your ass.