
Overnight Open Thread

vxbush6/01/2009 9:09:18 am PDT

re: #1042 alegrias

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Glad your Girl Scouts are learning something useful. Yesterday I saw a local troup of Girl Scouts is holding a carnival to raise money for the “rainforest”, whereas the local Boy Scouts get to go canoeing, camping, hiking, rock climbing, etc.

Why are Girl Scouts being taught to get badges in political correctness instead of physical strength, self-reliance & self-confidence that really instills something useful? Is it just this neck of jihadist Northern Virginia?

I always wanted to be in Boy Scouts and not Girl Scouts, because the girls never did anything fun. Sorry, but stringing beads on a string isn’t my idea of a great time. When my son was in Boy Scouts, I really felt the loss.