
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

HRH Stanley Sea7/23/2010 10:17:45 pm PDT

re: #1047 Fozzie Bear

Blatantly lying to get us into an unnecessary war pissed me off more than the rest of Bush’s actions combined. I am not just referring to the garbage WMD evidence, but also the braying that we would be in and out within months and greeted with flowers in the streets. That wasn’t optimism. That was straight-up bullshitting the American people. That is so far beyond the pale to me that I often find myself angry with people who aren’t at least a little ticked off by it.

In my personal moral framework, that’s right up there with treason.

And that it would be PAID FOR with the Iraqi Oil. (the Iraqi’s still don’t have 24 hour electricity)

Oh, we were taken.