
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

Dragonwolf2/19/2009 6:58:36 pm PST

re: #1039 Naso Tang

Yes I saw that. Very civil of you and I am holding back judgment in spite of starting out in a bad mood.

However aside from the basic M.O. and one softening post, he/she has made some pretty standard Disco Institute statements so far and more importantly not answered some specific counter statements and questions. That too is in the M.O.

I wasn’t trying to argue the science. I agree with the science. It was the presentation of extrapolations and assumptions (valid though they be) as observed facts that I had a problem with. The presentation, not the underlying science.

For the record. I don’t believe ID is any form of science.
I do believe in evolution.

Hope this helps.