
Dave Brat's Batshit Wingnut Twitter Feed

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing6/10/2014 7:55:56 pm PDT

Just got home, and wow! I’ll just repeat a comment I made the other day about the Tea Partiers:

I remember a workshop I went to where there was a panel about politics, during the nascent stages of the Tea Party growth. One of the panelists was Dana Loesch. This was prior to her rise to national prominence.

I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with a more hateful, yet committed, individual. She said in no uncertain terms that the TP groups were not going to “go along to get along” with the traditional GOP types. If pols didn’t hew to the TP line, they would be primaried. Period. As I’ve watched over the last few years, her statements have come to fruition.

There’s no way for the GOP to tamp down these folks. They’re rabid, focused and not willing to compromise.

At one point, I’m sure the traditional GOP types thought they could harness that hate for their own hateful ends, but now I think they generally regard the TP types with fear. The party is held hostage by these spiteful assholes.

As for Brat’s calvinistic capitalism, I’d like to find Milton Friedman’s grave so I can piss on that evil fucker for spawning shitheels like this “economist.”