
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

Targetpractice8/22/2014 11:30:46 am PDT

I know I’ve compared this incident to Trayvon Martin’s death countless times, but this is really where that particular train just derailed. Call the Sanford PD whatever you like, but they at least took the time to recover evidence, interview witnesses, and get Zimmerman on tape telling his version of events multiple times. The case ultimately seemed to break down somewhere due to a perceived inability to secure a conviction due to FL SYG laws, hence incompetence snuck in as cops didn’t take anything past that point seriously.

Here? Here this is just transparently corrupt, the kinda shit you expect to read about in books about cops during the days of Prohibition or in any major city during the days when the mafia were effectively running the government. Evidence disappearing, witnesses being ignored, reports not being filed, and cops being allowed to go into hiding? There’s no way that any of this can be legal, yet I’ve got a sinking feeling now that even the DOJ investigation will end up going nowhere.