
Reports: Harris Thought Adopted Daughters Were Possessed by Demons

allegro3/11/2015 1:23:26 pm PDT

re: #101 calochortus

So, the more I read about the Harrises, the more it sounds like they suffer from a life where things have gone pretty well for them and they think God will smooth the way for them in all things. So, they swoop in and are going to rescue these girls and it doesn’t go the way they thought it would-they are, in fact, out of their depth just as they had been warned.

Naturally, it can’t be their fault. God loves them. It must be demons! Such powerful demons they just can’t cope, so they ditch the whole experiment. Except of course that this involves some very fragile small children, but that’s not as important as demonstrating what great people they are.

Sounds like DHS should have stuck to their guns, but they were probably just as happy to get those kids out of their hair too.

So ditch the kids to a kiddie rapist and keep the government money. Oh, and claim victimhood after bullying the system and abusing the kids.

Yeah, I’m with Krager on this one.