
Must-See Video: An Exploration of the Nature of Bullshit

allegro5/29/2016 7:46:53 am PDT

re: #98 stpaulbear

That still sounds like you’re blaming Hillary for the bullshit that republicans keep trying to throw at her. “She’s got decades of shit…” You can’t have it both ways. She’s not guilty or responsible for all of the lies and crap that republicans have unsuccessfully tried to pin on her and Bill over the last couple decades.

A while back a friend sent me an email with a video link. His comment with it was that if EVEN HALF of the stuff in the video about Hillary was true then we should be CONCERNED!

The video started out with Travelgate and proceeded to Vince Foster. Stopped watching it right there and responded to my friend “Seriously? You’re buying any of this obvious bullshit?” He responded back, “no, no, no, I know its mostly crap BUT what if some of it is true? Doesn’t that CONCERN you?”

So here’s an otherwise intelligent guy who acknowledges that this is a hit piece unfounded in reality yet he still buys in. Depressing.