
The Bob & Chez Show: The First Debate

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/27/2016 3:45:19 pm PDT

Even if Hillary is elected, and the odds still seem to favor that, she will face a very difficult problem if the House and Senate remain controlled by the Republicans.

Put simply, Obama is likeable, very much so. While the hate-right immediately took the racist road against him, still, the majority of the people like him, even if they didn’t vote for him.

Hillary has more baked-in, deeply baked-in, negatives. And if the Republicans remain in control of either part of Congress, the entire business of government will stop while endless investigations drone on.

This is the problem with the current popularity, or lack of it, with Clinton. Even if Drumpfskind fails to swing the so-called swing states (and he needs almost all of them), that does not mean the Democratic party can take control of at least one chamber of Congress.