
We Go Live to Trump's Sweaty, Batshit CPAC Rant, Now Still in Progress After Almost Two Hours

Backwoods Sleuth3/02/2019 1:25:00 pm PST

re: #95 HappyWarrior

I’ll give it to you Republicans. Until 1964, you did most of the right things on Civil Rights. You championed federal bans on lynching when FDR was too cowardly to do so. You championed the Civil Rights legislation of the 1950’s but when your leadership saw that Southern Democrats were angry at their national party outside the South began supporting Civil Rights, you began to move right ward. When you began electing Republiacns in the South, they were in fact to the right of the Democrats on Civil Rights. You deserve credit when you get it. Everett Dirksen has my respect for helping to pass the CRA 1964 as does President Ford who was part of the House leadership but you don’t deserve credit when starting in 1964 you nominated Goldwater, then Nixon who was not the same man who lost to JFK in 1960, and then you nominated Reagan who whether aware of its optics or not opened up his campaign where three civil rights workers were kidnapped and murdered with a speech on states rights, Bush I and Willie Horotn, and then Trump. Meanwhile the Dems who you love to shit on for still being the party that supported slavery in 1865. Let’s see. They nominated a Southerner who was the best President since Lincoln on Southern rights, Humphrey who was one of the first prominent champions of Civil Rights in their party, a Southern governor who treated black people like human beings, and last of all we actually had an African-American nominee. You? You just elected your first black woman to the House 5 years ago and you wanted Mia Love treated like she was this great Civil Rights icon. Mia Love who was born after the first African-American woman sought a Democratic presidential nomination. Your party has a long ways to go before they can even come close to being good on Civil Rights and a good chunk of that will be apologizing for the past 50+ years of race baiting.

The Republican party was just fine with supporting civil rights until that moment in the 1960s when “those people” were given said civil rights.

The feelings were hurt.
Pearls were clutched.
Veils were snatched away.
And the Dixiecrats found a forever home.