
Tigran Hamasyan: "The Dream Voyager"

Dangerman8/29/2020 6:58:13 am PDT

re: #69 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Morning Lizardim from the beautiful and temperate wild north country. We have had some pretty heavy thunderstorm activity recently, but that has all passed and taken the oppressive late summer heat with it. I got out early this morning and put down weed and feed in the yard and sprayed the edges of my sidewalk and driveway with Roundup. I’m terrible at maintaining my lawn and landscape, but I’m trying to do better. How go things among the lizardfolk on this gorgeous summer Saturday?

today is day 140 in my streak of consecutive running days
185 out of the last 189
196 out of the last 212
all of this is from when i began my recovery in late january

last tuesday i hit 90 minutes for the first time
today i did it it again, and also logged my longest run so far 9.57 miles

today is another milestone of sorts
i hit 50 miles over the last 7 days

after the usual mowing and other regular saturday morning nonsense, we’re gonna install the new solar controller and battery today

2020 is being a mixed bag for me
juxtaposed to the obvious political shit show is a pretty satisfying running recovery and some great pond progress