
An Epic SOME MORE NEWS Rant: "The Freakin' Post Office!"

Dangerman8/31/2020 7:27:45 am PDT

re: #105 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I am ashamed that I underestimated misogyny’s role in the election cycle last time. I knew it was there but it’s more obvious than ever.

That plus this from re the third party vote

… most of the “I’m not voting for the lesser of two evils” voters, who voted for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson to send Clinton a message, have decided they would prefer the lesser of two evils to the greater of two evils. They are going for Biden this time. They have apparently learned their lesson the hard way. ..

Another way of looking at these data is that Trump hasn’t lost any voters… . The flip side of this is that he hasn’t gained any voters, either. He has the same base as last time but Biden has all the Clinton voters and also the third-party voters. Clinton’s margin in the popular vote was 2.1%. If we add in the 6% third-party vote, Biden gets to 8%, which is pretty much what the national polls are showing now
