
A Stunning Piece From Brad Mehldau: "Variations on a Melancholy Theme: Variation 4"

Joe Bacon ✅6/14/2021 7:44:43 am PDT

And we have a double header of STUPID TREK today folks!

A New Hampshire man who admits he chugged wine after joining the mob at the Capitol riot says he is running against Congresswoman Anne Kuster. There are a couple of problems, though. One, Jason Riddle thought Kuster was a state representative until a reporter for NBC Boston informed him on camera that she is actually a U.S. representative. Two, Riddle is currently facing federal charges in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection and is banned from the nation’s capital. But Riddle—who claims to have no regrets about breaking into the Capitol and drinking wine he found in a Senate office—said he doesn’t think his legal problems will turn off voters. “In the long run, if you’re running for office, any attention is good attention, so I think it will help me,” he said.