
Seth Meyers: Bombshell Report Says Lindsey Graham Threw Trump Under the Bus in Georgia Case

Targetpractice1/25/2024 9:54:51 pm PST

re: #103 silverdolphin

The method to Donald Trump’s madness

Sure, he may be strengthening his grip on his base. But a lot of the necesssary suburban moms he need sto have a shot will not appreciate how he treats her, seeing as how it fits right in with how he treats E. Jean Carroll.They already are worried about abortion rights. Add misogyny and he might well lose too much of the woman’s vote.

Within the course of 72 hours, three things happened that would have made practically any other campaign shit their pants:

1. Trump came out of barely winning New Hampshire to growl that the party belongs to him, that Nikki Haley is opposing him, and thus any who support her past NH have no place in the party.

2. It was revealed that the GQP leadership appear to realize just how damaging the primaries are to Trump and so put forward a draft motion to just declare him the winner now and fuck the opinion of anybody not already in his camp.

3. Trump ordered the Senate GQP to kill the very conservative immigration reform bill under consideration because he wants to run on “SCARY ILLEGALS!!!”…and the immediate response from the Senate GQP leadership after days of beating the MAGAts in their caucus over the head with how good this bill is for them was “Yes, Mr. Soprano.”

The overall message is simple: If you’re a “moderate” or “independent” who planned to make-believe anybody but Trump had a chance in the primaries and then hold your nose to vote for him in November, then you’ve no place in the party anymore. If you’re not already wearing a scarlet “T” armband and marching in lockstep, then you’re no longer a member of the party in good standing and that will be reflected in how you are treated going forward.